- Please notify the reception staff of any change of name and/or address or new telephone number.
- Remember to cancel any appointments with the doctor or nurse if you are unable to attend.
- Try not to save up all your problems for one appointment as our appointment slots are 10 minutes in line with the GP national standard appt time. If you require a longer appointment please ask when booking.
- Please make one appointment per person. A doctor cannot see a whole family in one consultation.
- Examination and treatment facilities are better at the surgery, please do not ask for a home visit unless absolutely necessary for medical reasons.
- Don’t expect a prescription every time you see the doctor, sometimes a different sort of treatment – or no treatment at all, is more appropriate.
- Remember the out of hours service is for urgent problems only. Please do not contact the emergency doctor for a second opinion or for anything that can wait until the next working day.
- Never share your medicines with anybody else, even if they seem to have the same problem as you – it could be dangerous.
- Please let us know if you find any difficulties with the practice. We appreciate the opportunity to put things right.
Date published: 17 November 2014
Date last updated: 17 November 2014